....I had poor dress sense XD
Your body will adjust to the change, When I was at college a lot of our course was practical lessons outside and I used to go around in hotpants and fishnets in mid winter and I weighed less than I do now and I'd be fine. Now I shiver at the slightest breeze... But I've gotten used to being inside working in hot cafes.
Try not to weigh yourself too often, as long as you're eating right and doing regular exercise you will feel the difference in your body, a number is just a number and it wont change who you are so don't let it get you down.
I have a sweet tooth too, I found that when ever I get the urge for sweet things I eat an orange and that satisfies me. I also have a back up supply of options hot chocolates if I'm craving something chocolatey! It's difficult to cut out all sugar from your diet so just try to replace the unhealthy ones.
Not 100% on what you mean by 'cleanse' but if you drink lots of water it will flush out the toxins in your body naturally. If you don't like water you could try adding some lemon to make it taste nice.
Water and an early night are great to take your mind off snacking however I find if I really can't help myself, I have a mug of options hot chocolate, it's 40 calories per mug (with only water) and it gives you a chocolatey fix :)