

  • Good morning! I am having problems losing weight below my belly button, now my sides and hips. I ahve had a hysterecotmy and I know it's harder to lose the weight afterwards around that area. I can't do sit ups due to a lower back problem. So does anyone have any suggestions to help lose the weight around that area. I am…
  • What is the sense of the calorie intake guideline? I thought you had to eat all the calories they daid. Plus I notice when you exercise it takes off the calories you just ate. I need to do some exervises to help on abd, hips, and thigh areas. I can't work to much on my upper part because I fit tight in my wedding dress now.
  • I understand how you feel. I never had any problems before until this last year and half.. I keep gaining weight no matter what I eat or don't eat. I know that I am harder on myself than anyone else. Last year I wasn't feeling good still feeling tired. i had an ultra sound and it showed that I had no thyroid at all. Plus I…
  • Yes, I need a diet bubby. I don't know where to start. I have 1200 Calories to use in one day and I have 943 left for the day. How do you space out the calories? Then if you work out it takes off the calories you ate earlier in the day. My problem is that I get bored after a while and I just do enugh to pass my APFT…
  • I am 37 yrs old getting married in May 2008. I have been having a hard time losing weight. My mother was 5'0" and weight 200 lbs the last time that I saw her when I was 15 yrs old. I have my mothers body frame at her age with curves. I have a back problem, so I can't do sit ups and I have done crunches but nothing seems to…