tami2tami Member


  • Actually, the most accurate way to get your body composition tested is by having it done in a "Bod Pod". It is the gold standard. And is within 1% accuracy! No other method is this concise. Depending on where you live, you may not have access to this method of testing. But, I highly recommend it if you want the accurate…
  • I am new to this group. I am about to start a fitness challenge in March that works on converting fat to muscle. I have had a big set-back with my fat % from a year ago. I was at 32% and my goal is to get down to 25-27% and I would be happy. However, after taking the BOD POD test last night to get a baseline before…
  • I am about to embark on a fitness challenge the month of March. And have set my caloric intake to 1400-1500 a day. I have been chiseling toward my goal of getting down to @150lbs and 25% body fat (which I get tested via the BOD POD). I know that I most like will not achieve my goal by the end of March. But, I definitely…
  • Keep tracking!!! It is one of the best ways to lose weight. I fell off the tracking wagon to a while back. And it did not do me any favors. You do not want to go backwards after all your hard work to get this far along in your journey. Muster up all the strength and determination you can to track, track..track. It will…
  • Try not to rely on the scale too much. Do you have access to a way to test your body composition? Perhaps take a Bod Pod test so that you know what you are losing in weight is not muscle. The scale can go up and down endlessly and you will never know what it is you are losing. One month after extensive workout challenge I…
  • I too woke up this morning after having taken a Bod Pod test last night wanting to cry. Only to find out that what I thought was my hard work over the last 6 weeks, equated to a loss of 3lbs of muscle vs. the fat I so desperately need off my body. I am really fit. Work out religiously and have been trying to chisel the fat…