Thanks for all your advise, I eat fairly healthy but do go over my sugars a lot mainly from fruit or sweets this habit is hard for me to kick, I don't know what weight my body wants me to be before im happy with it I think being in the 8 stone mark is low but ovs not. I am only 5ft 2 so im on the short side does this make…
ok thanks for your advice and tips. I hope I can tone up its really getting to me its like all my hard work for nothing i've always had a problem with my belly its like I have 4 boobs (if you get me ) that's what bothers me the most, thank you very much really appreciate it xx
I had this last week, did 1 workout and I made myself feel worse, just rest then get back on it when your better Hope you feel better soon :) x
South Wales.. new to this add me up :) xX