Rikirox Member


  • I'm right there with all of you. I could always lose weight easily when I was younger. Just exercising was enough to get it going. Now I am in perimenopause and i can't get that scale to move in the appropriate direction. I exercise everyday and have cut out after dinner snacks, soda, wine with dinner and try to…
  • Wow! I am terrified to eat more than I am because I think if i am not losing now, what will happen if i eat more! I cut out snacks, wine with dinner, soda etc and try to eat lots of vegetables & whole grains. I have never had so much trouble losing weight in my life. When I was younger giving up any one of those things…
  • Thanks for your support. It is so frustrating especially since I have been trying so hard & have seen no results. I go back to the Dr. in March so I can discuss some of the things you brought up with her. People keep telling me that I must be building muscle but I don't feel like I am. My clothes still fit the same & my…
  • I couldn't agree more! Everyone wants to tell you to eat breakfast but I am just not hungry until about 11am. So why do I have to force feed myself. I have also found over the years that when I do eat breakfast, I am starving again by 10am. I'd rather just wait until I am hungry. Plus, I feel more motivated to workout in…