SagaciousMarie Member


  • I would love to be apart of the group. I need all the motivation I can get. BTW when O created a Facebook group people didn't have to be my friends for me to accept them. I have a pretty secure page so I don't know if you have a certain setting on or what but you may not need to add everyone as friends
  • I too am in SA. I have a Gold's Gym Membership and I am trying to stay as active as possible;e but I don't have any friends to work out with. Maybe all the SA ladies can start our own buddy system. I try to exercise at least 6 times a week (Friday is my off day) I go to the group classes at Golds normally at the Fiesta…
  • With me it was the opposite. When I nursed I burned so many calories that I lost weight quickly after I weaned my son I started to gain weight cause I didn't change my eating habits. nursing makes a huge difference. My thought is your baby will tell you when they are ready to wean. There is still a lot of nutrients in your…
  • Are you stretching out that leg? It may be a leg cramp. Also Bananas (Potassium) help with muscle cramps as well. Also it depends on how you are running on the elliptical. Do you run on the ball off your foot, flexing your calf? Start working on form but if it persist see a Dr just to have you muscles check sometimes when…