

  • Im glad you said something. I know I probably need to slow it down a little. I've just been in the zone working very hard for results. My strength training is going great and im making great progress in the short time i've been lifting. My lifting results couldn't be better. Though I've lost initial weight, Im trying to…
  • I understand the whole net calories thing.... But for someone who is supposedly under on their calories, whats the point of going to the gym and working my *kitten* of just so I have to eat more? I can see where it would come in handy if Im eating large 800 calorie means but I often eat/snack on things 150-400 calories a…
  • My TDEE = 3429 * (1-.2) = 2743 So I should be shooting for around 2500-2700 calories and dont' add cardio into my diary. Seems like I need be be eating about 1000 more calories a day? Thats going to accelerate weight loss? Im having a difficult enough time eating calories as is. I feel like I have to stuff my self.
  • I think you misread, I work out 2 hours per day between weight lifting and and cardio.