

  • Sucralose is not sugar "triple rinsed" with chloride. Sucralose is made by taking the sugar molecule and replacing three of the hydroxyl groups with chlorine atoms. This creates a completely new chemical compound that is not sugar. Why is it sweet then? because chlorine makes it that way. Also the FDA states that 11% to…
  • sorry ladies but most men are going to eat what they want and unless they want to lose weight, they won't. now if you do all the cooking then I see no problem, he is going to have to eat what you put on his plate. :)
  • thats a whole different can of worms. if you google splenda you will find plenty of viewpoints from people who have had violent reactions, to those who say iit was rushed to market without sufficient testing, to the fact that spleda is realy closer to chlorine than sugar. I don't touch the stuff and won't let my kids…
  • While this isn't aspartame related I don't think it completely off-topic. About 6 months ago I quit all caffeine and while it was all from coffee ( I quit drinking soda 4 years ago) I did notice some major changes. Before when I was heavily caffeinated I would get hypoglycemic like symptoms if I ate sugary foods such as…
  • I have to battle with my two daughters about why they can't go to MCD or BK, i usually end up just going by and buying the toy outright instead of going in. Occasionally if I do let them have it, we just hit the drive thru and take that food somewhere else so the wife and I can eat non fast food. Now I do like some fast…
  • I switched from potato chips to pita chips. I now eat Stacy's Simply Naked Pita chips. 1 serving is about 14 chips and has: 130 Cal 5g fat 270mg sodium 19g carbs everything else is negligible. Not sure that is what you are looking for but I love them.
  • I became anti fast food a few years ago but last month I found this list and since I am new here I thought I would share it. This list outlines all the best and worst fast foods and shows their nutritional info. I post this just in case you needed any help to understand why you should never (well almost never) eat fast…
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