Dutchie_in_Mobile Member


  • I am actually also doing the ATA. That's the school that was closest to us.... I don't think it really matters what program you're in, just as long as you do the exercises and stick with it. It is a great self-confidence booster (the reason why we wanted our daughter to join....) and on top of that you learn to defend…
  • Oh.... by the way, that means that I am only white belt!
  • Hi my name is Eric and I just started here on MyFitnesPal last week (See my post in "Introduction"). I also just started TaeKwonDO this past Tuesday. Today was my second class. The instructor has us working out and doing all kinds of exercises...... It is killing me! At my age starting the exercises after doing nothing for…
  • Thanks "y'all" (guess where I live.....). Like I said I need the inspiration and encouragement! L8er, Eric P.S. where did you guys get those graphs from that are under your messages?