

  • Oprah Winfrey is also a big (no pun intended) inspiration to me. How about you?
  • Welcome. My story is similar to yours. I have tried every diet, fast, program, regimen over the past 40 years. I could always lose the weight, but I would always gain it back, plus some more. In 2009 I started reading - and getting serious about - the emotional and intellectual connections to weight. I decided to try to…
  • Welcome aboard. Everybody's goals are different. I've been online with MFP for 13 months now. I lost 56 lbs in the first 9 months and for the last few, I've been working on maintaining my weight. That's always been my downfall - I manage to lose it, only to gain it all back plus more. Since I've been able to maintain…
  • Hi, Michelle. I wonder if you've done any journaling,about this to see what you might learn about what's going on deep inside. Or do you have a trusted friend with whom you can be honest, and he/she will be honest and supportive in return? Would some ongoing conversation with that person help you get a better handle on…
  • Well, if it's any consolation, it happens to a lot of us. In the past, behavior like that was always my downfall. I'd have one slip-up, even a minor one like the one you described, and then I'd be filled with self-loathing. I would allow the slip-up to sabotage all my hard work from the days/weeks/months prior. Now I'm…