bgalindo5 Member


  • Find me & Friend me. :0) Im a national level NPC Figure Competitor & use my social media friends as my motivation too. Im on IG (@fitt_bambi) and on BodySpace (bgalindo5). Im always interested in learning new recipes as I'm constantly cooking and eating the same thing.
  • In a recent study, that women who skipped breakfast ate more calories during the rest of the day and also had higher fasting levels of LDL (bad cholesterol) and total cholesterol compared with the women in the breakfast-eating group. The researchers noted that skipping breakfast could lead to weight gain if the higher…
  • When you eat breakfast you're boosting your metabolism for the day, which is a good thing. I would not recommend on skipping breakfast but bring a snack for when you're hungry. I normally eat every 2 hrs with my first meal at around 545am - 6am and my second meal (or snack) at 8am.