

  • Wow! I'm very impressed. Your story could be an inspiration to so many people I know who are significantly overweight/obese, and just continue to let themselves eat poorly and not exercise. Anything is possible... you're awesome!
  • Thank you so much! I'm just getting up to 7-9 mile runs and this was a problem for me. I had no idea that cotton socks were bad.
  • Theres a few companies out there that make flavored, no calorie, water beverages. Theyre awesome, and only a $1/bottle. My fav is called Sparkling Ice, they sell it at Wal-Mart. The stuff makes drinking water enjoyable - I'm not a fan of straight water either unless I just ran a few miles.
  • I think youre right, but I know many skinny people who've been skinny all their lives - I think that's more genetic than anything. One guy I know is trying to gain muscle weight, and he needs to eat about 3500 calories a day. Its funny because out situations are almost opposite, but very similar. Sounds like youre doing a…