As I said above, it won't self correct with weight loss, as lifestyle factors only account for 15% of the figures :) The drugs will correct it.
Another vote for Laura on the NHS couch to 5k podcast. She rocks!
OK this is going to read in a shocking way. And I apologise if it offends anyone, that really isn't my intention. This is the absolute truth. I got married in my early twenties (20 years ago) and was slim and reasonably fit. My marriage lasted 6 years and I gained weight during it, and it was an unhappy marriage that…
Correct the English to "if I WERE on a date with the person above me..." :)
Bristol too! Feel free to add, everyone Would have enjoyed that walk :(
I think the issue here is change. Change is very difficult for someone in a number of ways; emotional - he might be worried that you lose all your weight and become more attractive to the opposite sex, and leave him; physical - the body fights to maintain its current shape, as that expends less energy, that's why we feel…
I am 5'3 and need to lose about 90lbs, just started on my journey. Feel free to add! :)