argintc Member


  • I have been gluten free for over three years, after being diagnosed with Celiacs. But I still have stomach pain quit frequently. I have become very sensitive to even touching bread. I carry an Epi pen with me at all times because I have had my throat swell shut twice since being diagnosed. I also wear a medical bracelet…
  • Thanks so much I'm going to try it out!!!! I also workout at my local gym & do P90 at home which is helping out well too!
  • I just looked on Amazon are there only three levels to that particular workout?
  • Have you been tested for Celiacs Disease??? It can be done by a blood test and really a colanoscopy is the true way to determine if thats it. I was diagnosed with it over 2 years ago because I had extreme stomach pains and also pains in my lower back as well. It took them over a year to diagnose me because at first they…