jjulliee Member


  • Whoa!! Don't mess with peoples' soda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Ok, to be more specific, stories about studies. True - not true? We'll never know, just like we don't know if anything in the news is true, but that will never change. So, I did my own study and by cutting out sodas and other crap, lost 52 lbs, no longer get heartburn, and can walk long distances without my feet swelling.…
  • I gave up diet soda and artificial sweeteners when I read studies about how they can trick your body into gaining weight. I actually used to crave diet soda, and I feel it is engineered to be addictive. I also choose not to drink sodas because of the artificial preservatives and colors, which I avoid in all things I…
  • Banana dipped in unsweetened cocoa powder
  • Also, frozen grapes are really good, refreshing, and low-calorie. But, my favorite is dark chocolate dipped in 100% peanut butter. If you use 70 - 75% cacao chocolate and peanut butter that just lists peanuts in the ingredients, it's satisfying and pretty good for you, considering.
  • I've lost over 50 lbs., and there are lots of surprising things, not least of which, I lost over 50 lbs and kept it off! Yes, I'm a lot more sensitive to cold, this winter was pretty hard on me, and even air conditioning feels pretty extreme sometimes. I always used to hate shopping, cause it seemed there was nothing cute…
  • Trail mix!!! I usually mix up my own, and my favorites are: -raw almonds, dark chocolate (all natural), dried cranberries -raw pecans, dried cranberries, crystallized ginger (this one is the bomb!) I always have trail mix at home and at my desk at work.