

  • Thanks, I think I'll try giving it a break, like maybe a couple weeks or a month and then reassess where I'm at. I know that I need to pay better attention to my hunger cues though. I think I often want to eat simply out of boredom, not because I'm truly hungry.
  • This is one of the least reputable sources that I have ever come across... I guess I knew that it would be considering what it's advocating. Although at least it mentions that "There has been much contention in the scientific field about whether or not fasting is beneficial to ones health" I know that this is something…
  • I disagree with the posts that boobs=fat. Boobs=tissue and vary in size based on a multitude of factors (but mostly genetic). Your boobs were mostly fat (hate to break it to you) but what you uncover underneath are your REAL boobs and no matter how small they are, I'm sure they look better than ones padded with fat, in…
  • Yeah I'm squeezing but my ribs and hips have always been rather bony, even at my heaviest. I've started laying down an extra blanket on top of my yoga mat for that part of the workout.
  • Just finished day of level 3. Totally do not understand what the superman is for. My hips/ribs dig into the floor (through my yoga mat) and it is really painful. What is this move supposed to be doing?
  • I eat under my TDEE by about 20-25%, it's not always easy! Feel free to add me!!
  • When washing your face, never use a loofa/sponge/face cloth. All of those things just rub the bacteria all over your face. Wash with your hands in warm water (to open pores) I like tersaseptic or spectro but any mild medicated cleanser will do. Than rinse your face with cold water in order to close your pores back up. Wash…
  • Yeah I might try that, I also have weak ankles and wearing my orthotics might make life easier, I also am worried about hurting my ankles during high knees.
  • Do you guys wear shoes when you do 30 DS? That sounds like kind of a dumb question, in the video they wear shoes but I just prefer to be barefoot, especially since I'm working out in my living room and it seems like it might be slightly quieter for the people in the apt below. That was fine for level 1 but level 2 has so…
  • Just did level 2 for the first time, felt off balance the entire workout! Other than that I don't think it was THAT big a difference from level 1, harder but not impossible. On an entirely different note the people downstairs are going to kill me because the entire level seems to involve jumping in the loudest way…
  • Thanks for the tip about the back, glad you mentioned it!!! I have my last day of level 1 tomorrow and then I can complain along with you!
  • I'm a day behind you, will also be taking saturday off and then doing day 10 of level 1 on sunday. So excited to move on, don't feel like I'm being challenged as much as I should with level 1 even though I've upped my weight. Still can't do "real" pushups though so I don't really know how I'm going to manage level 2.
  • If you're hungry, you should eat! Try to keep it reasonable but never starve yourself!
  • Stick with it! I know it gets repetitive but I already see a change in my stamina and thats worth it alone! I weigh in every week so will still be doing that. Will only take measurements after the whole 30.
  • Was wondering if you guys are doing exercise on top of the 30DS. My muscles don't hurt anymore (don't know if thats due to my increase in protein or my body just getting stronger) and I feel like I should be doing more than just the 25 minutes of 30DS every day. Does anyone have any recommendations? I live in Montreal so…
  • Often its not that people do not want to lose weight, its that they don't know how. You got yourself together but she might not be able to do it alone. Maybe after dinner you guys could go on a walk every day. Or on a weekend you could wander around town, do little things that don't seem like exercise together but promote…
  • Haha I looked it up too, looks terrifying. Today was my rest day, it's weird but I actually miss it. I'd do it now if the people downstairs wouldn't kill me for it.
  • Trying protein shakes, having more protein is supposed to minimize muscle pain because they'll be able to heal faster. I'll let you know how that goes.
  • I just do the knee pushups because that way I'm able to do it the whole time. I know for sure I can't do real pushups properly. Its weird but my calves feel better today then they did yesterday, even after the workout. Taking that as a good sign and tomorrow is my rest day so hopefully i will be pain-free for sunday.
  • Yeah, it is a bit easier. Love the part where you lie on your back and lift weights over your chest! I could do that for hours, so relaxing!
  • Yeah she's pretty cocky, kind of full of herself. I think when I get a bit more used to this I'm gonna watch it on mute.
  • My calves are in so much pain.... I don't even think there was an exercise that worked your calves. How did I do that? Oh well, lets see if they get any better doing it a second time :)
  • Just finished day 1 and I feel great... wonder how long that will last. lol.
  • Start date: Feb 20
  • Funny you should ask, was part way through 30 DS today (first time so I was huffing and puffing) and my boyfriend showed up. I feel bad for stopping but there was no way I was doing that in front of him! I guess I'll have to REALLY start tomorrow, lamest excuse ever I know but I'm sticking to it. Don't know if I would have…
  • Weight 142 pounds Bust 34 inches Waist 27 inches Hips 33 inches Thighs 20.5 inches Arms 10.5 inches
  • Hi! feel free to add me I'm on all the time! We're all in this together!!
  • I"m 21, studying psychology in Montreal, Canada! Feel free to add me!
  • Im 5'9" you can add me! :)
  • You can add me, fellow Canadian here too. I also started pretty recently and am really loving being held accountable for what I eat!