

  • Sounds kinda strange - but I have a hot green tea with half a splenda - it gives it just a litlte sweetness and the warmth of it just makes it feel like you are drinking something sinful (like hot chocolate) Plus green tea aids in weight loss... so it does double duty for me :)
  • Thank you for sharing! What an inspiration you are - I am looking to loose 50-60 pounds myself and I really needed to see someone who has done it! I CAN DO THIS!
  • We ARE DOING IT!!!
  • I use the Synthia6 strawberry - the guy at the nutriition store recommended that I mix it with 8-12 oz of very cold water rather than milk so that it will have less of an impact on my diet (and stomach). He also recommended that I eat a carb either with it or shortly after so that my body will metabolize the protien more…