

  • Here are the two leg workouts I did last week. Workout 1: 1. Strength set: Deadlift pyramid 95lbs to 155lbs, 5 reps per set adding 20 lbs each set, get up to your max and then work back down. 2. HIIT on treadmill: 30 second sprints, 30 seconds jump onto sides of treadmill. Do this ten times for a total HIIT session of ten…
  • run in as little clothing as possible....the mud/water really weighs clothes down. my first mud run i wore my Nike tempo shorts and they really felt heavy the whole run and irritated my inner thighs. I had to ditch my tee shirt and go in my sports bra, felt so much better! Bring snacks in the car, you never know how much…
  • I have done insanity with good results! But what really pushed the envelope from me loosing my baby belly was ditching the weight machines at the gym and getting under a barbell and doing big, multi muscle movements such as squats, deadlifts, cleans, push presses. Many tutorials on youtube. They activate more muscles at…
  • i know this sounds weird but i have tried recipes that use fat free cottage cheese to thicken smoothies. it tasted pretty good!