

  • Starting to dislike that too, new to this fitness site- new to getting healthier and having to learn how to shop healty, read all day at the groceris store.:sad:
  • Laundry- IT IS NEVER EVER DONE!!! The washing, the folding, the handing out, the yelling at the kidds to get off their butts and put it away ( since I already did the worst of it) Then having to put mine away. I hate laundry period..
  • I need a buddy too:-) Learning to shop for food that is healthy for me and the hubby is a lot harder that I thought, We are both over weight, bad cholesterol, hi blood preasure, the works. We started yesterday, the food commercials are driving us insane, I'm trying so hard to be tough, but I feel alone, (HE'S HUNGRY ALL…