junlex123 Member


  • If it's a store-bought pizza you're cooking at home, look at the nutritional info at the side of the box. Enter it into the mfp database if it's not already there, and use that. If it's from a larger chain, their website should have nutritional info. If it's from a small pizzeria try to compare it to a similar type of…
  • In terms of the amount of calories, eating a little over a third of what you allow yourself daily for breakfast doesn't seem like a binge as such. The fact that you weren't able to control yourself does suggest that something was wrong though. It's possible you're restricting yourself too much by aiming for 1200/day and…
  • Regardless of how bro-sciencey your doctors are, they should be able to do blood tests to see how close you are to being pre-diabetic/diabetic. e.g. testing your hbA1c levels. If you've not actually developed diabetes it's more your body fat percent that you need to keep in check to prevent developing it, rather than…
  • You can run ok on a small deficit, but if your current deficit is causing you to lose 2lb a week of fat (realistically speaking it's probably not all fat, some will be lean body mass, but regardless) then that's quite a significant deficit (roughly 1k cal per day on average). You could a) eat a bit more, so you're at a…
  • Creatine supplementation gives me hives personally which sounds somewhat similar to what you experienced. It's a known potential side-effect. Bit odd given it's found in the body anyway, but presumably some people show allergic symptoms past a certain concentration. So it could be that.
  • Tons of the database entries don't have the sodium entry correctly entered as a lot of nutritional information is listed as salt rather than sodium and people adding the food to the database don't bother to convert properly, so they just put sodium as 0. So a lot of your 0 sodium entries are probably wrong. E.g. those…
  • Are you not able to bring your backpack with you for some reason? Or take in a dipping belt.
  • Kroc rows reportedly have a beneficial effect on grip strength, maybe try those.
  • How much you burn for a given amount of time spent climbing will vary massively I'm afraid depending on the routes you're climbing that day. And pedometers like fitbit will be next to useless for this purpose, and heart rate monitors aren't much use either as rock climbing is a long way away from steady state cardio unless…
  • Mine disappeared fairly soon after starting to do toe raises and shin/calf stretches. I didn't lose much weight or change running shoe at the time so I'm reasonably sure it was the new drills.
  • All other things being equal you should be able to back squat a fair bit more than you can front squat, but if you've never done back squats before starting light and really nailing the form would serve you well in the long run. You could either do a lot more warmup sets than you usually do before starting your work sets…
  • Thanks, that explains why I struggle with getting caught up on the knees. Not sure why I have so much issue just doing the movement in reverse on the way down. Anyone know if the good mornings look ok?
  • A cue regarding the exaggerated arch at top thing I've found helps me is to really squeeze your glutes at the top.
  • 90kg dead: http://youtu.be/oIbMpVQGncA Can't quite decide if my back's rounding or not. Seems more like top of pelvis than lower back, and the shirt bunching doesn't help either. Realised I wasn't keeping my neck neutral again, need to work on that as I think I do that a lot. 35kg good mornings: http://youtu.be/94_0cXE1_qs…
  • The diuretic effect of the caffeine, if there even is one, is more than outweighed by the water you're taking in when you drink it. Caffeine does however have some vasoconstrictive properties associated with it, which means less blood flow and might contribute to your cold extremities.
  • Thanks for the suggestions! I've actually been trying out high bar squats in the last week for a number of reasons, which included a deload, and so far the knee issue hasn't come back, but I'll start incorporating good mornings and the hip abductor machines. For good mornings, as it's a supplementary lift I guess I should…
  • http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/872189-alan-aragon-and-brad-schoenfeld-on-nutrient-timing Link to one paper in that thread's OP and another more recent one near the bottom of first page. The long and short of it iirc was that studies are inconclusive so far but to try to fit your workout in a ~4 hour window between…
  • 1st quarter: Diet Cut to 66kg @ -0.75kg/week (should take 8 weeks). Maintain for two weeks before starting slow bulk. Climbing Learn to lead climb Top rope some 6b routes (currently only completed 6a+) Complete a few V4 boulder problems Lifting Squat 5 reps @ 85kg (after fixing pesky knee issue) DL 5 reps @ 105kg Bench 5…
  • Remember the TDEE calculator is just an estimate. It could be that your actual TDEE is a couple of hundred lower, combined with underestimating your calories by a couple of hundred, rather than the error solely coming from your logging.
  • Hey, more videos when people get time to look: Squats 70kg/154lb: http://youtu.be/MDRJ71K9KpU Definitely something going wrong on the right hand side sometimes, with the knee going all over the place. I've had problems with my right knee/hip joint from running (or at least running brought them to light), not sure if it's…
  • It doesn't have to be lifting necessarily, but one of the reasons resistance training of some sort is considered important is that without it you're not giving your body the stimulus that you want to keep your muscle mass. It's inevitable when eating at a deficit that you'll lose some lean body mass (which includes muscle)…
  • This thread and the OP sound awfully familiar. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1005588-did-the-squats-make-my-bum-bigger http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1148485-does-heavy-lifting-pay-off-for-everyone?page=2 (last post on page 2)
  • Thanks both of you. With the squat imbalance I'm not sure if it was just the camera being slightly behind my left side or a genuine imbalance, I think something was probably going wrong. It didn't seem to show up in the last session I recorded though I was really focusing on knees out so maybe that helped. I'll try to slow…
  • http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/926789-protein-sources might give you some ideas. As long as every main meal has a proper protein source (meat or several eggs or protein dense dairy like greek style yoghurt, or even stuff like beans/lentils if you have a decent amount), shouldn't need more than a protein shake or…
  • Thanks for the food for thought.
  • Kinda related to the OP; do you consider there to be any benefit to IF approaches apart from the potential for some to maintain stricter adherence to a calorie restriction under certain IF protocols? Example: Say I'm following a 3 day split, M W F, and I maintain on an average 2.2k calories per day, and dead set on…
  • Couple more videos, gym was a bit busier at the time so the phone's quite close as I didn't want to put benches in everyone's way. Hopefully enough is still visible. Squats: http://youtu.be/m8T9inJLPjI Jumped 10kg to 55kg/121lb, definitely started to feel quite heavy for me at this stage so I don't think I'll add more than…
  • Thanks guys. I think the elbow/shoulder thing will become easier as I do it more and gain a bit more flexibility. Good to know the lean's not excessive. I'll try to keep my head up more; that damn mirror in front makes keeping focus on a single point quite taxing on top of thinking about the other aspects.
  • Thanks for the feedback. I'll definitely play around with a wider stance for squats and work on keeping a more neutral neck for deads. As far as increasing weight, I've been following the stronglifts recommendation of +2.5kg per workout for squats and +5kg per workout for deads, for +7.5kg per week for both, though I…
  • Hiya, hoping for some feedback on my squat and deadlift form. Just finished my second week of sl5x5 but this is my first workout trying a low bar squat position. The weight's fairly low still but hoping to iron out any basic form issues before they get too ingrained. Squat: http://youtu.be/attF4xe2x7o Really struggled to…