

  • You know what? I'm SO delighted! I got into a pair of shorts this morning that I couldn't wear 2 years ago....granted, they're a weeny bit snug, but I can sit down in them and breathe at the same time :-)
  • Thanks Chantelle! I was exhausted on Monday, but felt a bit better today, and as I'm writing, I'm not aching as much! See you again for it Friday x
  • Still feeling better each day! At the end of a 1 and 1/2 hr session, the body is aching a bit, but the mind is invigorated...... :happy:
  • I can't believe how "moveable" I feel after exercising for just 3 sessions! I feel so much better, bendy, and energetic (ish). Hope the results really shine through by Easter. How many are on this with us?
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