

  • Wow, I see what got you all fired up with the other thread. I think sometimes people just don't realize how to phrase things properly online to be supportive yet convey a difference in opinion. Also, some people think that flippant comments (not intended to be rude) are hilarious when in actuality they are not. The bottom…
  • Very well put. I agree 100%. There is no need for finger pointing or higher than mighty claims of grandier. If a particular weight loss solution works for you, stick with it. If not, try something new and keep trying until you get it right. As long as weight loss is "healthy" weight loss, that is all that matters.
  • 750 calories is ridiculous. To me it sounds like they are trying to fast track your weight loss so that you have to turn around and pay a plastic surgion to fix your excess skin problems. 1200 calories is the lowest you should ever drop your caloric intake to. With moderate exercise that should put you around 1 - 2 lbs of…
  • Just started the 30 day shred yesterday! I am alternating in group exercise classes (e.g. Sh'bam, BodyJam, Zumba) three times a week this time to keep myself motivated and change things up a bit. So excited to see if I can stick with it and what results I will get. A great tip if Jillian annoys you: wear headphones and…
  • I have had several last straws and, unfortunately, I kept falling off the wagon after a few weeks and a little progress. This time feels a lot different to me and the final straw was not fitting in my favorite jeans. I came off a divorce diet at my lowest weight in over a decade. When I put on a few pounds and started…
  • I record my weight every 3 - 5 days. That is typically how long it takes for me to recognize true weight loss as opposed to daily fluctuations. I only log weight gain if I have consistently undone my weight loss. Meaning, if I have gained and maintained that weight for about 2 weeks, I go ahead and log it so that I am…
  • Yes! My boyfriend is incredibly supportive. He has helped improve our diet (since he does a majority of the cooking) by introducing new low fat foods and he has been 100% supportive of reducing our "order in" habit. He also bought me a bike around Christmas so that we can go riding together. Best help of all is that he is…
  • Based on the information you provided, a health care provider is definitely the best course of action. Your body shouldn't be responding to exercise and a low calorie diet that way unless there is an underlying health issue. But keep in mind, a lot of factors go into how your body responds to all of this. High stress (such…