

  • Hi Tylin Good luck, I have only just joined here and I think your right by using the site should keep us motivated and log all we eat will keep us on track
    in Hi Comment by battles January 2011
  • Hi cooks thanks for your welcome and good luck on your journey. It certainly makes you think twice about what you eat especially if you lose the plot. I will log all I do in the hope it would make me be careful with my choices. I really hope this will enclourage me to be in control. Im sick to death of dieting.
  • Thank you for the replys. Im not sure if I know yet how to look at other people diarys for help. I will have a good look round. Can other poeple see what I put down for my food intake and offer advice, or is that personal to me. Thanks again for the warm welcome hopefully this is just what I need.
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