miliemilie Member


  • Hi everyone! Another January 2016 mom-to-be over here! I'm 28 and this is my second baby. I'm at 20 weeks right now and I've gained almost 8 lb. Considering I was 3 lb heavier at that point during my first pregnancy, I think it's not too bad. I joined a gym one month ago and I love it! My trainer created me a program that…
  • Ah zut! Ça m'a donné le gout d'aller voir pour le 5 km, mais il était déjà trop tard! Bon, ben, il y a toujours le 10 km à Rimouski qui m'attend en octobre! :) Y en a-t-il d'autres qui vont participer à des courses prochainement?
  • Ah, mais c'est chouette! Es-tu plus plage ou camping? Perso, j'aime bien les deux, mais j'ai un penchant certain pour le camping!
  • What frustrates me is that I procrastinate so much in the morning I never prepare myself a lunch for work, even though I would have plenty of time to do it if I was getting up 10 minutes earlier instead of reading news in bed. I'm pissed at myself, because I always have everything I need to make healthy lunches in my…
  • Hey everyone! My name is Émilie and I'm getting married on February 16th. So far, I guess I could say I lost 20 pounds over the last 18 months, because of the new medical treatment I'm taking for my migraines. Well, that was convenient! (My doctor had warned me on this.) But since the medication stoped making me smaller, I…