Siniharmaa Member


  • Actually, if you eat by mistake (truly forgetting that you are fasting), you haven't broken your fast. "Whoever forgets that he is fasting and then eats or drinks, let him complete his fast, for verily, it was Allah who gave him to eat and drink" (Bukhari and Muslim) Of course, this isn't meant to be abused :). So actually…
  • Fast starts at dawn, not at sunrise. Maybe that explains it?
  • Hello, I work outside home and study for a degree.. so busy describes my days well. Exercise is a must in this combination, otherwise I wouldn't be able to keep up with this hectic schedule (and be able to play with my kids too!)! 30 minutes a day makes a big difference and gives me more energy :smile: . I have tried…
  • Hello, I have three kids, I work Mon-Fri and I am doing a degree online (plus I am the one who takes care of most of the chores at home). I definitely have my plate full and I am trying to squeeze in exercise 5-6 times a week. My saviour has been workout DVDs.. and finding DVDs that get the job done in 30 minutes,…
  • Yep, go for bodyweight routines like BigGuy47 suggested. And there are also (bodyweight) workout DVDs that use no equipment (well, unless you count the DVD as being equipment :laugh: ). Kelly Coffey-Meyer's Body Training is one example and I hear she's planning to make another bodyweight routine this year...
  • I eat breakfast every day, even though I don't have much time in the morning. Preparing my breakfast takes about 2,5 minutes and eating it takes about 5 minutes - so that's less than 10 minutes and I am done. I eat oatmeal every morning, 1 tbsp olive oil on it and a glass of milk.. I wouldn't be able to go to work without…