tammyrouss Member


  • I misread! 13 pounds to go. You've still lost, so that means you're making right choices. :-)
  • Wow you have a lot going on! Geez, and you've still lost 13 pounds. You're doing great. My advice is maybe just to try walking, put the kids in the stroller and go for a nice long walk. :-) That way you're getting some cardio in, and the kids are getting some fresh air...which could lead to a longer nap time. A girl can…
  • The way that I've worked getting my exercise in, is by going on my lunch hour at work. I just have a protein shake in the car on thew ay back. When I miss lunch hour workouts, I try to sneak in some strength training once I have my little monkey put to bed. :-)
  • There's a calorie counting app for the Iphone, and it has "grown up time" as an option for exercise. The calorie burn is pretty good. Might be interesting! lol