

  • I'm going on a cruise in 2 weeks & I'm definitley going to bring my runners for the gym on the ship but part of vacationing is experiencing the foods a different region has to offer. I wouldn't deprive yourself of that. and you will be doing a TON of walking! I'm bringing my runners because there's days where we're at sea…
  • Brittney Spears has good workout music (radar), ok go (white knucles), Rhianna (only girl in the world), enrique (tonight) - all songs with a good work out beat I thought. I'm looking for more too though.
  • I say go for it. I bet it doesn't make that much difference anway. and if it does you'll have a bigger weight loss the following week
  • I was feeling like that too! but the great thing about tracking your food is you can go back & see how you felt on days that you did or didn't eat lots. I found that I was eating a lot of very low calorie things & needed to bulk up on some things (for example - throw a chicken breast on my salad or try a fibre 1 bar).…
  • I'm trying to curb my sugar too. a friend gave me some advice - unless it's naturally occurring sugars in a peice if fruit, try to keep it to under 5g. for example, my bread has 2g/slice so I could have 2 slices. my yougurt has 4g, tassimo chai latte has 4g. I haven't made a decision on whether I like sweetner or not but I…
  • Oooooh, so good to know! I'll check it out.