

  • I just got back into the whole diet and exercise stuff this past Saturday. Motivation and support helps so much. I will friend request you on here.
  • Yes, i plan to get a nutritionist very soon. I'm not certain if what I am doing is working or not. It's just been 6 days so far. And a lot more days to go. ;)
  • Ok, the person that said they are limiting their carbs to 122 a day and has been here since May 30. You seem to be a person I need to listen to as far as what I can or cannot eat
  • Yes, when I google things so many different things pop up. It's kind of ridiculous. And now we know a "professional" can't exactly be trusted either. Yes it's typically high fat and low carbs and low cals. I have been around 1200-1500 calories a day, under 100 grams of carbs a day. I am just looking for opinions from…
  • Lmao. Yes that is exactly what I thought after I decided to go low carb and then looked up fruits on here. I was like oh hell no this will not work. Yes she needs a different trainer. I am cutting out starchy stuff completely. No white bread, potatoes. No beans or pastas. I would like low carb though as well. I have been…