

  • OK Buffalo Wing lovers - ever tried these: Buffalo Wing Pretzel chips by the snack factory - 110 cal for 10 - and that is quite a few - They get the HOT / SPICEY / SALTY / CRUNCHY crave for me every time - I could eat the whole bag - so parcel them out! Got them at WalMart
  • I got them at Whole foods =- but how do they REALLY taste???
  • New fav is Lean Cuisine Lemongrass chicken. YMY!:wink:
  • Country Hearth Light Wheat is 40 cal per slice, Nature's Own Light Wheat 40 cal/slice - there is another I like - can't remember name - another favorite is the Thomas's Light English muffins - 100 calories - but I want to smother them in butter - so stick to the spray kind!
  • I like 10 almonds and a piece of fruit or small bowl of cereal with 1/2 c skim milk too. Or vanilla milk made with splenda flavors french vanilla. It also seems that hot drinks make me feel full quicker and longer. Great ideas! Helps to have them ready and in the front of the fridge too. And read EVERY label!!!!:glasses: