

  • Hi, and welcome! I joined MFP in February, 2013. I have found it extremely helpful, as I have to hold myself accountable now, and I get loads of support and encouragement. Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Thank you for the words of encouragement! Reading about your progress is a big help, it shows me that I can do it if I keep it up. You wrote about baby steps. My first "baby step" is to lose 30 pounds. That will be (approximately) 10% of my body weight. If I can do that, I think it will be a good first step for me and show…
  • Dee, I sent you a friend request - I appreciated reading your replies. I really hope I can keep up the momentum I have right now. Unfortunately, my big task for the day is planning my menu for the next week so I can go grocery shopping. With my new guidelines, I have a feeling that this might not be an easy task! Good luck…