

  • I've been falling off for the past two weeks and I feel terrible about it. I'd like to add you all if you don't mind!
  • It's not healthy, or easy. I speak from experience. I've lost a ton of weight within a few months by simply not eating. (I was going through hard times and didn't have an appetite.) Since then I've gained the weight back. I've been trying this method again but it isn't as easy this time around. I wish it was. So, no it's…
  • I picked my goal weight for two reasons. One, It was where I was in highschool and Two, because I've gotten back to that weight since then and felt amazing at it (I sure looked good too!) I'm at a healthy BMI right now, but it's on the higher side of healthy. My ideal weight is also within my healthy BMI. I think it's all…