In general - BAD IDEA. I did this. It was risky for my company to offer my boyfriend (at the time - now my husband) a job because if WE didn't work out it could potentially spill over into the workplace. He loved working together - carpooling, eating lunch, random hellos. I could not STAND it!!!! I needed my personal space…
Muffin top is WAY worse! Baggy clothes means you have made so much progress you now have fat clothes!!! I complain to my husband about how none of my belts are even tight enough to hold my jeans up but it is a problem I am more than happy to have right now! :)
Feel free to add me :) Been on here several months and realized having the support of "friends" on here really gave me the extra push!
4' 9 1/2" - yes, thats right! I need that half inch! lol Any shorties are free to add me!! :)
I sent a request. Anyone else who comes across this is welcome to add me :)
I am always open for more friends :) The more the merrier!
Just recently returned from a trip to Palau and was persuaded to try fruit bat. It came in a soup. Literally the full body and wings sitting in a bowl of broth. And no, it did NOT taste like chicken! But as the saying goes, "when in Rome..."
You would think if one was IN a bridal party they are friends with the bride..right? So.....wouldn't one also think that friends love you in whatever package you come in...??? Maybe I am just not trendy enough to only be concerned about the outside "shell" of my friends...
Thank you for sharing! I know that must have been hard to be so honest with yourself and with us strangers. It sounds like you have made an amazing first step at just recognizing these urges and being brutally honest with yourself about where they will lead. It is so hard to be be honest with ourselves sometimes but you…
I LOOOOOVE this movie!!! I had not seen any gifs from it before :)
I'm at work too. This is the only place I ever actually look at the message boards :) I am an accountant and human resources. I am pretty much logged in from the time I get to work until I leave! May not be actively doing anything but the window is always open!
Feel free to add me! I am active and regularly offer encouragement :)
You look great! Amazing job :smile:
bumping for later :)
Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series is AMAZING. I lose so many hours sleep because I cant close them!!! I turned a coworker onto them too. They are historical fiction/romance/fantasy. One of my favorite series hands down! HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend :)
Bump :)
PIZZA. The best food in the universe (in my exploration thus far).
Thank you all for sharing! You all look AMAZING!!!!!!!!
Feel free to add me as well :)
My husband has definitely benefited! He has dropped several pounds already without much effort on his part. Sometimes he will ride the stationary bike when I do the treadmill (so we can watch an episode of TNG together!) and will half a** his way through 30DS. Other than that its just been the shift in foods we eat. He…
I have both as well. They are both tools that help in different ways. I love my FitBit for making sure the walking and the floors I go up throughout my day are accounted for calorically (not a word but Im sure you catch my drift), and I love my HRM for a more accurate calorie count when exercising. I am an accountant so…
Bumping. I was tracking the other thread and need to keep track of this one now :)
These are fantastic! Things I would NEVER have noticed! It is also really..motivating? quite a relief? know celebs are airbrushed THAT MUCH! I knew they were "fixed" but not necessarily morphed into an unrealistic, unattainable entity.
28 (29 in June). From the Central Coast of California. Feel free to add me :) I log daily!
Thank you for this! It is SOOO hard to believe the mantra "slow and steady wins the race." I want to see instant results but I KNOW (despite my stupid negative thoughts) that instant results wont last and the slow drop in weight is the healthy and lasting way! Slow and steady wins the race, slow and steady wins the race....
Yay! I met my husband on eHarmony. Who knows if we would have ever met without it! Not only were we over 2 hours apart, neither of us were very social. I am all for using any and every possible way to find your soul mate <3
I've got 4 fur kids :) Cant post pics because I am at work. LOVE LOVE LOVE everyones kitty pics! They are all so pretty/handsome! And adorable names. I am hoping our next fur kid will be of the canine variety just to mix it up and try something new. Being ignored on a regular basis is fun and all....
I have been doing a protein or Atkins bar, a cheese stick or slice (60 cals), pop chips and cucumber with Walden Farms dressing (i.e. no calories).
I am on the central coast (by Pismo Beach). SLO County :)