JasonP5150 Member


  • I'm here for your energy! Let's be friends.
  • It not complicated.... It's math, eat less then you burn and you loose weight.. It's just a matter of sticking to it... I would know I have been doing this for 3 days :-) I will say having to post that you did not exercise and ate to much in front of your friends here is really uncomfortable I would say having friends in…
  • Bridetobe; You should also realize many who have undergone laparoscopic appendectomies struggle with changes to metabolism and weigh gain. I think you have zeroed in on why you have plateaued and have a good plan going forward. I would encourage you to increase water intake as have others posting before me and echo that…
  • I will be your friend. It seems to help when you know people are going to see if you hit your number for the day...