

  • What is the 30 Day Shred and where can I find it? I need to get excercise into my daily routine ASAP. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  • I could definitely use the motivation and encouragement. I have been doing ok on my own, but have noticed some backsliding. Thanks for the invite!!
  • Keep up the good work. What a great transformation. You have every reason to be proud!!
  • I have found that journaling EVERYTHING I put in my mouth keeps me on track. Even if I go over my recommeded calorie allowance for the day, it is ok. With journalling, you can see each day where you stuggle and even make notes as to what may have enabled you to overeat or not enough. Since February 5th, I am down 20 pounds…
  • I agree with a previous post. Don't deprive yourself of something you want. If you deprive yourself, once that craving takes control, you will over indulge. I get a Little Caesar's pizza probably once a week. Before I started on MFP, I would eat several pieces. Now, I eat one, two at the most. I think each slice is about…
  • Have you thought about changing things up, maybe a day of 2000 calories versus 1500 or a day without the normal exercise routine? Our bodies adapt to what we do and what we eat, sometimes a little change will give you the kick you need to get your weight loss going again.