Calaus1 Member


  • Runkeeper has a function that you can set up intervals based on time or distance
  • That plan says at the bottom that one should be able to run at least a 5k before starting that plan. If not, one should do the 8 weeks to 5k program first and if you haven't done any running you should do the From Walking to Running program before that.
  • One thing to check regarding logging is that some entries in the diary don't have the breakdown of macros. If they were entered by a user they sometimes only have the calories listed. Try to find the verified entries or ones that have the extra info. I would also discuss your sleep apnea again with your doctor and make…
  • Yep you're right. The one I looked at had a small amount of protein but just looked again and it was for a large amount of butter. So in the amounts you would be using for toast or something, it wouldn't be enough to matter.
  • I just had a look at your entry for Friday and there is an entry that is incomplete. You have selected Frankie & Bennys 7oz Rump Steak with Salad and it shows 0 g of protein. Someone has entered this item without putting any of the macro values for it. This is probably because the restaurant web site only shows calories…