I airpop in a brown paper bag with just a small spray of Pam Cooking Spray then shake Parmesan Cheese on it (a little goes a long way)
highest weight not pregnant was 162 and I'm 5'6"
I'm in? Gonna set up a group or how will this work?
Welcome! Good choice starting now. I know what you mean about the pic, I chose to upload one I was specifically unhappy with for motivation :)
100 Days of Real Food site has alot of good stuff and this is one of my favorites and VERY AFFORDABLE! Once it is made you can do anything from wraps to chicken salad with it.
Upstate South Carolina here and it is ALMOST impossible to eat right when EVERYTHING is deep fried around here! And I'm not even gonna start on the selections at the grocery stores, not alot of organic options unless I head to an expensive specialty store :)