jnjsmommy2 Member


  • I'm 5'3" and I now weight 210.8 (biggest ever) my small goal is to weigh 175. Small attainable goals. I have 2 boys and just beat breast cancer so I gained a lot of weight back with treatment- Eventually I'd like to go down to 150 ish. I can handle that!
  • I'll def join this journey! I just started my clean eating diet 5 days ago. It's not too hard but I never seem to consume the 1200 calories they say you should eat, to go along with the clean eating diet lol! I'm looking to lose at least 70 lbs. I'm not giving myself a date goal tho. I wanna take baby steps and set small…
  • I'm here too! I'd love to have more friends to help motivate me! I'll start adding everybody lol! I wanna lose at least 50! But I have no time to hit the gym and it's hard to eat healthy when I cook for 5 ppl every day HELP!
  • sw = sstarting weight cw = current weight gw = goal weight (for April) ugw = ultimate goal weight SW: 205 CW: 195.7 GW: 189 UGW: 150 I plan to exercise when my son is at soccer practice but jogging, walking, stretching or whatever. I plan to walk with the baby more now that its getting nicer! This is the biggest I ever…