A few months ago I was feeling really run down and I had trouble concentrating in class. I went to the Dr. for blood work and found out I was iron deficient (very low ferritin) and vitamin d deficient. I take an iron and vit d supplement and I have lot more energy now. It took about two months to feel better though.
Bark Thins- Dark Chocolate Almond with Sea Salt from Costco.
My doctor told me to take prenatals even if I'm not planning on becoming pregnant. She said it is important to have enough folic acid in your body to prevent neural tube defects in case you accidentally get pregnant. Also the extra iron helps.
Spaghetti squash carbonara. My kids love this. I don't know how healthy it is because it has bacon, cheese and wine, but it is delicious.
MFP and my Garmin 310xt gps watch (sometimes use the heart rate strap too).
Tie your key to your shoe laces(double knot) and get an armband for your phone.
I bought mine on
The only things that have helped my shin splints are stretching and using a foam roller on my calves. I bought a Trigger Point foam roller a few weeks ago and it has helped a lot.