Starting weight (February 25): 202 March 4, weigh in: 200 March 11, weigh in: 199.5 Team: Periwinkle Measurements! February 25, Measurements: Upper Right Arm - 15 Upper Left Arm- 15 Chest - 44.25 Waist - 42.25 Hips - 41.5 Right Thigh - 24.25 Left Thigh-24.5 March 11, Measurements: Upper Right Arm-14 Upper Left Arm-14 Chest…
70 Squats are done!!!
Try powdered Peanut Butter. A lot less calories and fat. Awesome in smoothies.
I'm in for 60. Hopefully my ticker will work. Is this just in the message boards or is there an actual group for it???
I haven't done either but a friend of mine lost her weight (70+lbs) with TurboFire and she LOVES it. That's the program I'm getting next.
I haven't read all the comments so sorry if this has already been mentioned. Look into the Spike diet. It allows one day a week where you spike your calories on purpose and the rest of the days are kept low but nutritional. I don't follow the plan but I've read about it and I allow myself a spike day (not called a cheat…
Amazing job. You look great. Congratulations on all your races. I've finally signed up for my first 5K and as much as I would like to sign up for some obstacle race, I don't have the guts to do it yet. Anyways, I sent you a friend request; hope to continue following your journey.
PERIWINKLE team SW: 202 CW: 200 Percentage: 0.99% Angieb - What are you doing to lose 12 pounds this week?
So I've been off the computer for the weekend but still doing my squats....regular squats. But when I got on this morning, I see all different types of squats that people have been doing, is this something new/different????
Salad topped with bell peppers, 1/4C pinto beans, 1 fillet of tilapia, and salsa with an apple for dessert. The apple was too big, I couldn't finish it. LOL.
A butt kick is like running in place and bringing your feet as close to your butt as possible. Tricep dips can be done on the floor/edge of chair or sofa. Your hands facing your body and your butt up off the floor. Bend your arms and then straighten them. Something else to add to a challenge would be burpees.
I can do a challenge: 1 min High Knees with Arms Out (like running in place but bringing your knees up in line with your hips or higher) 1 min Plank 1 min Butt Kicks 1 min Squats 1 min Tricep Dips.
These are my measurements from Monday. I typically measure every Monday so I'm not going to add in another day for that. Weight: 202 Bust: 44.25 Waist:42.25 Hips: 41.5 R Bicep: 15 L Bicep: 15 R Thigh: 24.25 L Thigh: 24.5
I hope I signed up properly PERIWINKLE team SW: 232 CW: 202 GW: 150
I totally agree with registering for the race for motivation. I've started to the program a few times and have wanted to do a race but never actually registered and lost motivation along the way with the program. So even if in ten weeks you can't run a full 5k, it's okay. You will have progressed....... a lot. I've read a…
I laughed so hard with this post. I can so totally relate just not with this program. I've been wanting to do it. When I was first doing Insanity, I could barely sit down on toilet and manage my stairs. I would love to keep up with your progress.