I'm in ladies. Let's do this. Week 2,3,4,5 of Insanity here I come. Week 1 Feb: 197.2
Wow you are truly an inspiration!
Very true. I have that body type that shouldn't be under 160 and really the only way for me to do that is lose weight and then muscle. Which I'm not willing to do. Ladies if anything we should aim for a healthier weight for our individual body types. Be healthy and safe C=
Hey ladies send me a request if you want to motivate or need some motivation. I'm currently doing insanity and loving/hating it ;) but definitely never going to be a quitter again. This is the most helpful tool besides working out so good luck ladies!! Keep up the good work and never give up on yourself!! LOST 4.6 lbs on…
Awesome!!! I'm starting day 3 today. Would love to motivivate and get motivated ;) This program honestly makes me want to work out more!
Thank you ladies for showing me I'm not alone. I really appreciate you guys posting on here and telling a little about yourselves.
rafos228 my idea for a bit warmer weather was to go on walks with my boys when we're home. A walk to get milk or just to enjoy our time together. I want to get my boys started early so that when they get old enough to run a few blocks I can have them next to me as my motivation. I'm also trying to start school soon yey I'm…
I completely understand lyla29. I was fortunate with my first baby to have the support of my supervisor to work out and get in shape. Now that I'm more in a supervisory role I don't see how it will work but I think we will both find a way and I hope the best for you. Honestly being here and motivating someone else…
Aw thank you MissAnjy. You're more than welcome here =)