

  • I absolutely love apples, so I'll definitely have to try that, and I have to be careful with B-12 because it makes me really dizzy and nauseous, but I'll try. I asked my Doctor already if there was anything I could take and she told me she'd have to look into it and she'd let me know next time I came back to see her, which…
  • Tae Bo is awesome. I did some old school Tae Bo VHS tapes this morning with my best friend!!! haha, it's pretty fun, I'd just turn the volume down on it though and play your own music because it's a little dated, haha
  • zumba's really fun ^^^^^^^^^ flirty girl work out dvd's or hip hop ab's.. they're really fun to do too! and pilates and yoga are really good for working your core, calming you down, and raising your cardio. ... or see if anyone you know needs a dog to be walked (if you're not allergic to dogs!) ... or go for a nature walk…
  • I have to say, Save Ferris, I haven't heard anyone speak of in a LONGGGGGGGGGGG TIME! I'm an avid ska enthusiast myself :] I moved from the Jersey shore to Virginia... a place full of ska acts from all over, to a place where ska doesn't exist! It's good to know I'm not the only one who still likes some horns in my songs :D