mamatoelspeth Member


  • I'm still here. Or rather back. I read my earlier post and with all the auto correct changes I cannot even decipher half of what I meant. LOL At this point I am 31 weeks, 4 days pregnant with gestational diabetes (3rd time) and only at 20 lb weight gain since pre pregnancy. Past pregnancies delivered at 37 weeks, 4 days…
    in Hello Comment by mamatoelspeth May 2014
  • What did you put the protein at?
  • Looks like this group isn't very active but I hope you're still here! I'm one of those fluke people that doesn't eat enough and therefore my body stays in starvation mode. I was gaining, while exercising and hating but since going "mostly" THM I have stopped gaining. I'm not losing yet, but I'm not gaining. And then now…