

  • Depends on the bagel flavor. Plain greek yogurt is very sour cream-ish so a little goes a long way on savory bagels. I haven't tried flavored ones on a bagel yet though.
  • I love cream cheese and smoked salmon on bagels but if cream cheese is a no no then I love putting peanut butter on sweeter bagels or hummus on a cheese bagel/herb bagel. What about plain or flavored Greek yogurt since it is thicker than regular yogurt?
  • We try to eat as healthy as we can and I'm trying to gain weight so it can get frustrating but I just cook the meals for all of us to eat (that includes the kids, they eat what we eat) and then I'll eat extra meals throughout the day or have a protein shake between meals etc. Don't stress out too much, just cook lightened…
  • Hi! I'm new to MFP and am loving it so far. I'm half Puerto Rican! :) My best friend is the one who got me into MFP, she's been doing it for almost a year now.