normars1 Member


  • Thanks Allie_rat! You are correct in using the google search engine or youtube to find information is great, and that is my typical resource, however I was just wondering what other have had as suggetions. I really love portobello mushroom, and that will definitely be one of my replacement for meat. Thanks!
  • Thanks for the quick reply. I will try and see what I can come up with. Your suggesstions are great. And like Allie_rat says on the next reply, I do typically google or youtube information, however it is always nice to hear what others have already tried. Thanks again!
  • Today is the start of Lent for those who are catholic and everyone in my family typically gives up something they love to do (smoking or eat), so this year I am giving up all meats. Any good sites out there where I can find good balanced vegan dishes to cook? Also, what do you do with the gas and bloatiness that I hear you…