

  • Eggs, eggs, and more eggs. And bacon, mmmm yummy. I also like plain yogurt with a drizzle of honey and some berries.
  • Thanks for the invite Neko! I'm Kristie. I am 32 years old as well, and recently gave birth to fraternal twins (Jan 9). I gained over 60 pounds while pregnant, but lost 40 of those within a week of giving birth--there was a lot of baby in there! So, now my goal is to get down to my pre-pregnancy weight, plus lose an extra…
  • From my experiences and the research I have done, Ive found that it's important to eat enough good fats while you are breastfeeding, and to avoid trans fats at all costs. Eating good fats will increase the fat in your milk, filling baby up and reducing fussing. Trans fats found in processed foods will reduce fat content in…
  • Walking is always a good one because you can take your little one with, but if your winters are anything like mine, you aren't wanting to go outside all that much right now! I find it helpful to do little bursts of activity throughout the day when I can. 10 or 15 minutes here and there. I'm not sure what kind of work you…
  • Hi! I'm new here, but I am also a mother of twins--1 month old. I gained 70 pounds during my pregnancy! Luckily, I lost 40 of those pounds within the first week of giving birth, but I still have 30 to go. I am exclusively breastfeeding my babies, and from what I have read, this can burn anywhere from 400 to a thousand…