MagicFeather Member


  • Gotta give it up for Sadie Nardini. She has a ton of free classes on YouTube + you can get a paid monthly subscription to live and recorded classes on PowHow for $8/month. She has a couple of yoga shred programs 7 &14 days on CodyApp. The free stuff on YouTube is a great place to start though. Good luck!
  • well done, you! nothing makes you feel more like a badass yogi than when balancing on your hands. i think i'm getting close to getting this asana but the fear of falling on my face is holding back.
  • challenge start weight: 154 last weigh-in: 144.3 current weigh: 143.4 nsv: bought a bikini this week. Woo-hoo. Trying to follow the idea that we all have the right to wear what we want at the beach, no matter what size we are. Still a work in progress, of course, but why wait? Summer is almost here! Plus I thought it might…
  • Start Weight: 154 last week: 145.6 Current Weight: 144.3 Goal Weight: 138 (end of challenge goal, UGW 130) Weekly struggle: as always, focusing on the positive + steering clear of chocolate and sugar when tired (which is most of the time) WEEKLY NSV: went shopping at lunchtime with a girlfriend. I fit into everything I…
  • starting weight: 153.8 week 12: 145.6 sorry i've been MIA. I went back to work and it's been pretty full on. It's nice to see that I'm down nearly 10 lbs since we started. A couple of months ago I wouldn't have been satisfied with this rate of loss but these days I feel like any loss is better than a gain. Besides, I now…
  • very interesting, thanks for posting
  • B/c most of the people on here live in the States where they don't have fromage frais and if they do, it's an expensive specialty product. But you're right, it's a great high protein, low calorie alternative. And way cheaper than Greek yoghurt in my supermarkets too.
  • week 8: 149.6 ok shifted most of the vacation weight. hopefully next week i'll see a genuine loss along with the vaycay weight. my measuring tape broke so i'll have to wait till the next round. weekly challenge: going back to work on Monday! It will be a juggle working, getting the oldest to school and my youngest starting…
  • week 7: 151.4 up nearly 3 lbs but it's not nearly as bad as it could have been. this break has really helped to shift my perspective for the good though. I'm still looking to lose those last lbs but I'm also enjoying my body. I know I definitely ate way more than what I need but it was sooo nice having a break from the…
  • i was away and on a break for a few weeks. i'll weigh in this week even though I know that shizz ain't gonna be pretty. I went from "diet break" to "2 week binge" in no time flat. Oh well, it was tasty! Upward and onward.
  • Start Weight: 153.8 Week 1: 151.6 Week 2: 151.6 Week 3: 150.9 Week 4: 148.5 challenge Goal Weight: 138 ultimate goal weight:130 Woo-hoo! I broke 150. It feels like I've been hovering for ages. Might not last too long though. I'm going on vacation on Sunday and have decided to try the full diet break I was talking about…
  • Thanks for posting this. It's just what I was looking for. Just did a 5x5 body row using my desk, I hope I can work my way up to a pull-up someday. You look great btw.
  • MommyRobin, Sorry to hear your struggling. I'm always so inspired by your 88 lbs lost banner. Maybe it's time to take a step back from dieting and appreciate how far you've come and regroup for the next phase. How close are you to your goal? The closer you get the slower it can go. Someone on mfp recommended this article…
  • Congrats on finishing level 1, RoseMay.Don't be scared of level 2, if you can sweat and grunt your way through level 1, you can do level 2. It will be hard at first but you'll quickly improve which makes you feel like a badass. Even if you don't hit your goal weight by Easter, you'll have finished the 30 day shred which is…
  • Start Weight: 153.8 Week 1: 151.6 Week 2: 151.6 Week 3: 150.9 challenge Goal Weight: 138 ultimate goal weight:130 It's a loss! A small one but I'll take it. I'm at a crossroads herre. I started at the end of Nov., 6 weeks after my girl was born. So far I'm down 25 lbs, 6 lbs less than my pre-preggo weight. When I did WW…
  • SW: 153.8 W1: 151.6 W2: 151.6 Neck: same Chest: didn't measure Waist: same Hips: same R Bicep: same L Bicep: same R Thigh: same L Thigh: same Ugh! After last week's glory, I've got nothing good to report. I did what I wanted to do- ate right, lots of vinyasa yoga, 30ds, walking and...nothing. Just one of those weeks, I…
  • Lately I've been practicing in the evenings. I have a four month old daughter and a 3 year old son so evenings work best after they're out for the night (or till the midnight feed as is the case for my daughter) and the house has been tidied up. If I get a late start, I only squeeze in 15 min but even that helps me get to…
  • I've been doing yoga sporadically for 15 years, sometimes going to classes and sometimes on my own. I recently committed to a daily practice for the first time. I set 15 minutes as the goal but I find that once I get going I usually average about 45 min to an hour. I've got a couple of dvd's but I've been having fun…
  • great result! you lost so many inches. I got really discouraged with by 'after' pics as well. Just don't let it discourage you so much that you get off track. I try to think of it like this, when I wasn't working towards a goal I basically had my head in the sand. Part of this process is allowing yourself to really look at…
  • Start Weight: 153.8 Week 1: 151.6 Goal Weight: 138 Weekly struggle: feeling like the scale wasn't moving & getting bummed out b/c. I weigh & record my weight every day in an Excel spreadsheet. It helps me stay focused and be mindful of the body's natural weight fluctuations. However, weight loss starts to slow down or…
  • The great thing about this program is that you get to see your stamina and fitness level increase really quickly. So, if on day 1 you're thinking, "Level 2, no way!" you might be saying something else come day 8. You don't have to do any 1 level perfectly before you move on. I couldn't do level 2 perfectly and I still went…
  • Starting Weight:154 today, (176 Dec 2012) Challenge Goal Weight: 138 Ultimate Goal Weight: 130 How you plan to do it: healthy calorie restriction, Weight Watchers (online + weekly meetings), workout dvds, yoga, walking/hiking Your Strengths: determination, nutrition background, avid cook Your Struggles: patience to see it…
  • I am currently bfing my 2nd kid. I've lost weight both times with calorie restriction and exercise. With my first I ate a lot of low- and non-fat foods like vegetables, soups (broth and veggies and nonfat yoghurt and granola bars. I was starving ALL the time. Losing weight was a matter of steely-eyed determination and it…
  • I'm doing day 30 tomorrow. That means it will have taken me 33 days to finish the 30ds. I took one day off in the beginning due to poor planning and 2 days off in the middle due to being just too sick to work out. I was pretty sore the first couple of days at the very beginning and then again at the beginning of level 2…
  • You look fab! I'm on a similar journey, same starting weight and height. So far, I'm halfway there. Pics and stories like these are super encouraging which is great since lately I feel like I lose faith just about every day. Great job!
  • I did day 26 this afternoon. I'm doing 10/10/10. I've been losing weight throughout but not any faster than when I was just cutting cals and walking and doing yoga. I noticed the biggest difference in my shoulder area and back. Collarbones are reemerging and the dreaded back fat is retreating. Yay! It has really helped me…
  • I'm finishing up 30ds this week and was looking for my next challenge. This group looks like a great way to keep motivated. I can't wait!