

  • You are absolutely amazing. you look so great. what an inspiration you are. Well done! Im speechless!!!
  • I joined 5 days ago and need a kick up the a**! Any friends with motivation would be very helpful :-)
  • I am still trying to find my way around the calorie lists to be honest when it comes to generic, i only put that when im in a muddle! Its hard for me to get any tough exercise in during the week due to long working hours so i try and go for a 20 minute walk at lunch and leave the gym for the weekends and maybe one night…
  • Takemetothepub... If i cut out potato, rice, pasta and bread... what do I eat? :-) thats my main meals each day.
  • I have noticed a lot of the days, i am getting told i am not eating enough and that will cause weight gain. I am really having to force myself to drink more water and eat more food! i believe not eating enough has been my problem. Plus I quit smoking a year ago, not using this as an excuse but i think it didnt help my…
  • I have opened up my diary. this week has been pretty awful but i want to get back on track in the morning and put my all into it. How do you look at other diaries? thank you everyone for your comments, given me a lot to think about.