

  • Not only is the author a crap comedian, he's been married three times. If we should be learning anything from him it is how to parlay whatever you've got into MILLIONS by getting women to buy yet another dating/relationship self help book.
  • Yes...really everyone is different. I interpret chronic texting as lacking in social skills or interest in me. I am probably wrong on many accounts. But that is exactly why I want someone with a similar communication style who also puts value in that.
  • As mentioned, my score was 28. However, I don't actually agree with the statement that it probably has nothing to do with the way I actually look. My quality of life IS affected by weight and I do have limitations. Nothing wrong with admitting that, knowing it and working to change it. I'd worry more if I got a score that…
  • You have scored 28 points. SCORE 20-30 A score at this level indicates that you lack confidence in your appearance and your self-confidence is shaky. You may not be aware of just how much your feelings about your body are stopping you from being spontaneous in life and doing many of the everyday things that people with a…
  • Good point. I don't think everyone is just like me or has the same attitude..but I look for the same communication style and manners. The more similarities in that, the better for me, personally. Someone could be a great individual, but if they don't pay me attention and express interest the way I prefer...I am not sure…
  • If you are really into someone..do you look forward to their texts and calls and answer promptly? Do you attempt to put your best foot forward by asking and answering questions? If something or someone matters to you, do you put the effort into letting them know they are important? I can be a jerk about responding to texts…
  • Honestly..I would rather have someone lay out the expectations for appearance bluntly. I dated someone in politics and would ask what was appropriate for each event. I am more concerned about my own appearance than my partner because I don't feel they are a reflection of me, women are judged more harshly than men and…
  • I am fine with either. I have met more uncut Americans..Canadians are a toss up. Although I might like the look and feel of uncut slightly more, I would never, ever do it to my child.
  • Kits.. I will back you up on this one.. I practiced a little too
  • I would have mocked him immediately.. like "dude.. how can you hate sunshine and the beach? Who hates those things? Do you kick puppies for fun, stomp on flowers and eat the souls of little babies too?" I would have assumed he was joking, so scaring him off with MY terrible humour would have been my next move. Guarranteed…
  • No offense /offended peeps at all! :flowerforyou:
  • I do too actually! Calling girlfriends sluts affectionately makes us laugh. Particularly when it is related to something completely non-sexual. I would make some thug life / yolo related comment but I am simply not cool enough to handle such language.
  • If "slutty" means ensuring that I am satisfied, in control of my own sexuality, and deciding who and what I'd like to do rather than listening to society trying to shame me into a different version of myself.. then I am happy to take on the word proudly. My rules/goals are only to be honest, authentic, safe and to find a…
  • Oh yeah...it happens ALL the time. We can try and be exactly what we think any man would want or just be ourselves..and sometimes he is just not into you, and vice versa. LOL
  • I used to be friend zoned more when I was younger (high school/university moreso). The big changes I think I probably made were regarding attraction, sexuality, flirtation and perceived femininity. This was probably about a decade ago. Or more. I am more confident now and know myself better..and I honestly think that is…
  • I was just thinking how fun it would be to take Christine out to the bar for a night of debauchery and corruption.
  • Um..yes. This is already on my fantasy reel.
  • You are sweet and innocent and lovely... but my dirty, dirty mind is LOL-ing at your last sentence..
  • Okay.. so it isn't just me?! Good! My 25 year old self would be completely shocked at my 35 year old self in terms of libido and preference/ variety of adult activities. Things do change!
  • I am getting older and dirtier by the day! :laugh:
  • I feel that way about ears.
  • Christine.. I think you are awesome. You don't have to defend your personal taste or need for space at all. Everyone is different. You do however make me feel pretty slutty (LOL), but I can roll with that. :laugh:
  • “Having a baby is like getting a tattoo on your face. You really need to be certain it's what you want before you commit.” “I still can’t say whether I ever want children….I can only say how I feel now--grateful to be on my own. I also know that I won’t go forth and have children just in case I might regret missing it…
  • Okay, for me personally, having a guy ask permission for anything physical is a turn off. In my opinion, I take it as a lack of confidence or experience, or not being able to read me...and I am not subtle when it comes to this. If I'm a complete mystery, chances are you are not very intelligent. I like the concept of parts…
  • Me too. Line ups are for making friends and job interviews are my fave! Love people and conversation with friends and strangers alike.
  • ^^^ Haha! Its a new day baby. I will say it though..if someone doesn't try and kiss me at the end of the first date I would assume he is not interested or is shy or not particularly sexual. That really won't work for me in the long run.
  • Hmm.. personally I think the message of this article is BS (the science may be sound) as it sounds like a conservative attempt to blame human/female sexuality for the demise of society and the breakdown of the institution of marriage. Historically, people settled for a partner based on the idea of good enough in terms of…
  • Oh Kits...I so agree with you. Go with the flow, have fun and be myself.
  • I have soft and attainable goals that I feel will be realistic for me to hit and maintain. For my height I think I am supposed to be 140-145. Haha! No. My goal is 175 or 180. At least for now...but probably forever. I don't want to compete or be completely fitness focused. Many women would like to be a size 4 or 6... for…
  • I know! Boobs, bacon and (sugar) babies... we agree on all three!