wargrrl Member


  • helpful links, thanks! might try hip thrusts soon
  • im not sure how much bigger i wanna get but i dont think ill be stopping anytime soon haha. maybe as big as i can get!
  • thanks gurl. you can totally do it
  • yeah and i guess im pretty lucky being small because i dont have to spend more money on food/tubs of protein lol. when i started out i was pretty stressed about the diet aspect because i thought i had to be obsessive with counting calories and such. if i have to consume a caloric surplus, i'd have to eat around 1700-2000…
  • thanks a lot. before working out i was 95lbs, and im currently 100lbs. and tbh, i didn't intentionally bulk... like i dont keep track of calories, even though i probably should. however i do make sure i get at least 100 grams of protein a day. other than that i just try to eat healthy and consistently.
  • this is my progress so far link to image here since its cut off https://31.media.tumblr.com/d48e326544253decf84561a98d3d6538/tumblr_n2spuvEPLa1qjg89ko1_1280.jpg first pic: before working out 2nd pic: 2 mnths 3rd pic: 3.5 months
  • thanks a lot!
  • my leg routine is typically like this squats barbell lunges dumbbell deadlifts hip abductions hyperextensions should i do light weights in between?
  • why is cutting/shredding something i should worry about right now? is it something i should do aftr a certain period of time? or something i do once ive reached my goals in terms of how big i want my muscles to be?
  • hahah :p oh so correct.
  • yeah despite her talking **** i still had a really good leg day :) just wish there was like a no loitering policy at my gym... too many people stand around... sit on machines (not resting just chilling)....
  • tbh she was rly rly out of shape which is partly why i didn't give her attn because shes more than likely trying to make herself feel better. i also had a feeling that she just wanted to get a reaction out of me, she was standing like a metre away from me acknowledging that i was able to hear her
  • thanks for the help guys!
  • ive asked my PT about how i should do rest days since im mostly focusing on legs/bigger glutes, and he never gave me a definite answer... more like "workout as much as you can unless if you're super sore". i do my back and arms sometimes but i probably work my legs and glutes all the time. when i started i did 4-5 days…
  • i definitely get enough sleep, but i still experience fatigue and sometimes nausea the day after i workout
  • tbh i havent been counting. i weigh 95 pounds, stand at 5'0". i think im supposed to eat around 2000 cals but it seems really hard to do so. dont have the time or money to prepare something clean and calorie dense every 3 hrs.... nor do i have such an appetite :s how can i fix this?