

  • Hello Samantha, Do you chart your body measurements? It sounds like you're working out quit a bit. Though the scale may not show a difference, the tape measure just might. It sounds like you're building muscle mass. Muscle weighs more than fat and you're probably losing inches. Think more for health and not looks!
  • Great Job! I remember when I use to weigh 145lbs. That was my perfect weight for me at 5' 7" tall. Now, 35 years and 150 lbs later, I wish that I had been like you and got back down after each baby. Keep up the good work. You look fantastic! I started my healthy eating and life changes about five weeks ago. So far, I've…
  • Great News, way to go girl! Are you done or are you still losing? I just started a month ago and I've lost about 17 lbs., so far. Have not been able to exercise yet due to health issues but I have a long way to go. I've got about 120 lbs to go and you're an inspiration! I'm in my fifties and it's not an easy task but I…